How to use Flora Cloud
In this guide, we will go over…
1.) General Interface
This is your home page. You can return to your home page at any time with the home button (1) on the top left.
Your sensor dashboards are viewable on the dashboard menu on the left. You can toggle the dashboard list visibility by pressing the green button (2) on the very top left.
All of the sensors that you own and are shared with you are listed in the menus on the bottom with their status. They are also displayed on the map to the top right. You can also access their dashboard by clicking on their icon on the map and selecting “Go To Dashboard”. Their logo will change when their status changes. Your map will populate with sensor positions after adding your first sensor. Use the buttons (3) on the map to customize your appearance.
You can Add, Edit, and Share Sensors with the 3 green buttons (4) in the middle.
The bell logo (5) on the top right are your notifications for alarms. Pressing this will show you your notification history and you can also search for specific notifications there.
The very top right-most icon is how you access your account settings.
2.) Adding Sensors
The add sensor wizard is access from your home page by pressing the “Add Sensor” button.
First, input your device ID located on the device tag. It is 3 words. Alternatively, you can scan the QR code by pressing “Scan QR Code” using your phone’s camera on the app or your webcam on your computer.
Select your sensor type. The information you need to enter will change depending on the selected sensor type.
Type in your rough location and select it from the dropdown. Zoom into the map and change the layer. Drag the pin to the precise location of your sensor’s location.
Choose a name for your sensor and press “Add Sensor”. If it was successful, you will get a sensor added message. If not, you will get an error.
You can always change any of this information later with the edit sensor feature.
3.) Editing Sensors
The edit sensor wizard is access from your home page by pressing the “Edit Sensor” button.
Select the sensor you wish to edit.
Select the sensor type of the sensor you wish to edit.
Input all of the data of the sensor including location, sensor depth, etc…
Choose a new name for your sensor and press “Edit Sensor”. If it was successful, you will get a sensor edited message. If not, you will get an error.
4.) Sharing Sensors
The share sensor wizard is access from your home page by pressing the “Share Sensor” button. You may share your sensor with 1 other account.
Select the sensor you wish to share.
Input the email of the flora cloud user you would like to share the sensor with.
Press “Share Sensor”. If it was successful, you will get a sensor added message. If not, you will get an error.
You can also unshare your sensor by pressing “Unshare Sensor.”
5.) Sensor Dashboard Interface
You can access your sensor dashboard by pressing the specific sensor type in the menu to the left on the home page.
All sensor dashboards have a map which displays your sensor status for the selected sensor. You can control the map view with the buttons on the map.
Different sensor of the same type are selectable with the drop down menu on the top left (1).
Program alarms for the sensors by pressing the bell icon (2).
Modify the time frame, zoom, etc of the graph with the buttons (3) on the top right of the graph. You can also export your data from there.
Some sensors have multiple pages. Select the page with the tabs (4) near the top.
The graph tools can be used to omit certain data, display specific time windows and to export data.
Clicking and dragging will auto scale the data over the selected timeframe.